Declare Your Financial Independence!

While we are in the spirit of our country’s independence, it’s time for Americans to take control of their finances and declare their financial independence!

Our Federal Government has proven to be a poor steward of our money. Obviously the politicians are not concerned about our country’s mushrooming debt, and given their poor track record financial responsibility, we must take responsibility for our own financial well being.

We have been told that Uncle Sam will take care of us at retirement with Social Security and Medicare, these systems are past broken. According to a recent blog on Heritage.Org’s website, currently the unfunded debt for these programs is upwards of $60 TRILLION! These programs are nothing more than Ponzi schemes cleverly disguised as social programs, ironically with NO SECURITY.

Just as Founding Fathers broke free from the establishment when creating our Declaration of Independence, we must break free from these chains of bondage. What we need is a system for finance based on self-reliance and independence! Start your own financial revolution by taking control of your finances.

When you look at our current system for saving and accumulating wealth, it is weighted heavily towards the financial institutions. Our educational system, our accounting system and the financial advisors, are all dependent on the government and these financial institutions. We are held captive by the cartel of mega-banks, as described by G. Edward Griffin in his now widely accepted book, The Creature from Jekyll Island A Second Look at The Federal Reserve.

As I write this, President Obama is asking Congress to raise the debt ceiling, increase government spending and increase taxes to supposedly stimulate the economy. This is exactly what got our country in the mess that it’s in. The only way to stimulate the economy is STOP SPENDING money they do not have. Only then can we lower taxes and decrease inflation.

In our personal lives we understand that spending money we do not have by utilizing credit lines and credit cards creates debt. We also understand that bad credit, bankruptcy and foreclosures are real, so in order to avoid these pitfalls, financial independence is crucial.

Yet, we fall victim to the promises of the politicians to win our votes and create more laws. They dangle “free” money, college loans, mortgages and low interest credit to us like carrots. Student loan debt has now surpassed credit card debts as personal debt increases and college graduates can not get a job.

FIRE, as it is respectfully called for, Finance, Insurance and Real Estate industry, has imploded. Middle-aged men have lost their careers and may never work again. The economies of those involved, according to the FIRE-economy website, Commercial banks, savings & loans, credit unions, finance/credit companies, securities & investment, venture capital, hedge funds, private equity & investment firms, insurance real estate, mortgage bankers, and brokers accountants

All of these involved have been propped up by government programs like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Now the American Dream has become the American Nightmare! The Federal Government has poured $317 Billion into Fannie and Freddie according to  Billions more of taxpayer dollars have gone to bailout mega-banks and financial institutions including AIG, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, General Motors, and the list goes on…

Now comes along Helicopter Ben and he’s dropping money from the sky to save the world. Quantitative Easing has cost Americans BILLIONS! Businessweek found it necessary to poke fun at Fed Chairman Bernanke.

Ben Bernanke helicopter

Helicopter Ben as dubbed in Businessweek

So, you understand our nation is in trouble. The question is, do you want to do something about it? If you do nothing, then you can watch your wealth erode away to taxes and inflation. You will be a slave to government mandated programs and the financial institutions that hold the purse strings. It doesn’t matter if you pay cash or finance, in the words of Nelson Nash, “You finance everything that you buy.”

As stewards of our finances we must learn to take control of our personal economy, therefore ridding ourselves of government dependence. The idea of “retirement” is actually a government term that perpetuates dependency. Sadly, most employees will never have enough to support this dream of retirement that has been sold to them.

While true unemployment numbers hover around 20%, millions continue looking for jobs while trades and crafts are available in their backyard. And, the internet has given us markets never imagined before.

As governments collapse across the globe, history is repeating itself and prophecy is being fulfilled. As talks continue towards a world currency and taxes on the “rich”, our Congress refuses to balance the budget and stop their reckless spending. Financial markets have crashed before, and they will crash again…Yet, Americans still follow the financial advice of radio hosts who tell them to max out their 401k contributions. Already identified as targets by your friends in congress, these ticking time-bombs have never recovered from recent crashes.

What is a family to do? Whatever happens, you can protect your family name and legacy by controlling your finances today. This erosion does not have to affect you in the drastic ways that it sadly will affect most families.

Our system of earning, saving and investing money simply is broken. It relies way too heavily on the tag team of government and mega-banks and financial institutions, and way too little on the self-reliance and individualism that made our nation great!

You can create your own financial independence and take control of your money. Declare your freedom and make the remainder of 2011 as important as our country’s revolution in 1776.

Join hundreds of thousands of Americans who have declared they’ve had ENOUGH! Rid yourself of the slavery of the financial institutions. Discover the Infinite Banking Concept™ in the bestselling book, Becoming Your Own Banker

Or get started today by requesting a FREE, No Obligation analysis of your financial picture

Protect yourself from the onslaught of attacks coming to you by the U.S. Government and Mega-Banks.
Fight Tyranny by starting your own Financial Revolution and Declare Your Financial Independence!

“What at first was plunder assumed the softer name of tax revenue.”
~Thomas Paine

“Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.”
~Benjamin Franklin

Tu Ne Cede Malis, (Latin: Do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it)
~Ludwig von Mises

Declaring your Financial Independence will reward you with freedoms like none before, it is an act of patriotism. Now is the time to act with confidence and courage just as our forefathers did when they signed the Declaration of Independence FREE Yourself from Bondage – Request ar financial review

Until next time,
Barry Page, RFC

Barry Page is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a Registered Financial Consultant and independent life insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning.

He has created a service that caters to families and business owners that are frustrated with the risks involved with the stock market, but still want competitive returns. His specialized knowledge and services help consumers find alternatives to traditional investing and the stock market that not only safely protect their savings, but also provide tax advantages.

His business is based in Ocean Springs, MS and he services clients throughout the Southeast. He can be reached here: